Refining Temperature Reconstructions with the Atlantic Coral Siderastrea Siderea
Biogeochemical Cycles: Global Approaches and Perspectives
Predicting Landscape Effects of Mississippi River Diversions on Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration
Broad-Scale Relationships Between Shorebirds and Landscapes in the Southern Great Plains
Groundwater Influences on the Distribution and Abundance of Riverine Smallmouth Bass, Micropterus Dolomieu, in Pasture Landscapes of the Midwestern United States
Spatio-Temporal Variations in Age Structures of a Partially Re-Established Population of Norther River Otters (Lontra Canadensis)
Barriers to and Opportunities for Landward Migration of Coastal Wetlands with Sea-Level Rise
Seasonal Habitat Shifts by Benthic Fishes in Headwater Streams
The Life of P: A Biogeochemical and Sociopolitical Challenge in the Everglades
The Impact of Biophysical Processes on Sediment Transport in the Wax Lake Delta (Louisiana, USA)
Mangrove Canopy Height Globally Related to Precipitation, Temperature and Cyclone Frequency
Productivity and Carbon Dynamics in Mangrove Wetlands
Scaling Mangrove Aboveground Biomass from Site-Level to Continental-Scale
Climate Forcing of Wetland Landscape Connectivity in the Great Plains
Hurricanes Fertilize Mangrove Forests in the Gulf of Mexico (Florida Everglades, USA)
Quantifying Seining Detection Probability for Fishes of Great Plains Sand-Bed Rivers
The Revolution of Crossdating in Marine Paleoecology and Paleoclimatology
Data for Wetlandscapes and Their Changes Around the World
Hotspots of Species Loss do Not Vary Future Climate Scenarios in a Drought-Prone River Basin
Emerging Wetlands from River Diversions can Sustain High Denitrification Rates in a Coastal Delta
Multi-Species Coral Sr/Ca-Based Sea-Surface Temperature Reconstruction using Orbicella Faveolata and Siderastrea Siderea from the Florida Straits
Mangrove Ecosystems: A Global Biogeographic Perspective
Effects of Tannin Source and Concentration From Tree Leaves on Two Species of Tadpoles
Delineation of Marsh Types of the Texas Coast from Corpus Christi Bay to the Sabine River in 2010
Impacts of Species Addition and Species Loss on Ecosystem Function in Freshwater Systems
Effects of Tannin Source and Concentration from Tree Leaves on Two Species of Tadpoles
Climate and Plant Controls on Soil Organic Matter in Coastal Wetlands
Mangrove Biogeochemistry at Local to Global Scales Using Ecogeomorphic Approaches
Tropical Ocean Hydroclimate and Temperature from Coral Archives
Evaluating a Steady-State Model of Soil Accretion in Everglades Mangroves (Florida, USA)