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South Central CASC Publications

Please visit the CASC Project Explorer to learn more about the projects in which our center is actively involved.

South Central CASC Project Publication Highlights by State

Click below to see some of our own research publications that are helping to provide information for climate planning and adaptation in the South Central U.S.

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Emerging Wetlands from River Diversions can Sustain High Denitrification Rates in a Coastal Delta

This project sought to evaluate the assumption that in order to treat an abundance of Nitrate in natural or restored wetland regions, a high amount of organic matter content in the soil is required to maintain high denitrification rates. Researchers evaluated the role of organic matter content and temperature interactions that control denitrification rates in eroding and emerging delta regions in coastal Louisiana.

Modeling Soil Porewater Salinity in Mangrove Forests (Everglades, Florida, USA) Impacted by Hydrological Restoration and a Warming Climate

This study looks at the groundwater discharge in the Shark River Estuary, which is located in a karstic geomorphic location and influenced by local hydrological restoration. Researchers implemented a hydrological model that considered groundwater discharge in the Shark River Estuary in the Southwestern Everglades using long-term hydroperiod and porewater salinity (PWS) datasets from 2004-2016.

Fundamental Questions and Applications of Sclerochronology: Community-Defined Research Priorities

This research presents results for the field of sclerochronology from a common strategy used to identify key research needs called horizon scanning. The project identified questions rated as top priority and themed as follows: mechanisms of biological control over biomineralization; highlight applications of sclerochronological methods and data for solving other questions such as climate science and ecology; and emphasize the need for a baseline involving data management and analysis.

Looking for publications on how climate may be impacting valuable resources, ecosystems, species, etc.? Below you will find links by theme, to publications from our South Central CASC researchers.