Many tribal staff members that attended the South Central CASC trainings became more successful in seeking funding and conducting climate-related projects. Below are a few of the outcomes and successes of tribes leading regional climate response.
Success Stories

In 2014, the South Central CASC team partnered with BIA Southern Plains regions to assist five tribes beginning vulnerability assessments. We worked with them to identify vulnerabilities associated with climate change. In 2015, the South Central Research Experiences for undergraduates program to host a student, Kristina Mazur, who worked with three tribes to analyze the projected frequencies of two-inch rainfall events for their jurisdictions. The South Central CASC team continues to partner with the Tribes to work toward a climate adaptation plan.
You can read more here.

In 2015, the South Central CASC team partnered with New Mexico National Science Foundation Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) to offer a climate science grant writing training. Then in 2016, the South Central CASC Louisiana State University team conducted a climate training for New Mexico tribes. As a result, seven of the northern New Mexico pueblos joined together to create a Water and Climate Change Working Group. This inter-tribal group continues to meet regularly and discuss efforts to work together. You can read more about the training here.

In 2015, the South Central CASC, in collaboration with one of our Tribal partners, partnered with the National Conservation Training Center to offer vulnerability assessment trainings. Several of the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIWFC) staff attended the training in Durant, OK, and had already received funding to conduct a vulnerability assessment. As a result, the GLIWFC staff have completed a vulnerability assessment as well as many other climate-related studies. The GLIWFC staff also has teamed with the USFS Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science to develop a tool for tribal forestry adaptation options. For more information, click here for the GLIWFC Climate Change Program.