Climate Change Impacts on Agricultural Water Availability in the Middle Rio Grande Basin
Climate-Water Quality Relationship in Texas Reservoirs
Transpirational Water Loss in Invaded and Restored Semiarid Riparian Forests
Observed Changes in Climate and Streamflow in the Upper Rio Grande Basin
Quantitative Scenarios for Future Hydrologic Extremes in the U.S. Southern Great Plains
Hourly Rainfall Climatology of Louisiana
Mapping Potable Reuse Survey Data Using Spatial Statistics to Inform Tailored Education and Outreach
Increased Rainfall Variability and Nitrogen Deposition Accelerate Succession Along a Common Sere
The U.S. Geological Survey Monthly Water Balance Model Future Portal
Parameter Regionalization of a Monthly Water Balance Model for the Conterminous United States
Future Hydrologic Extremes of the Red River Basin
Changes in Climate and Land Cover Affect Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts in the Rio Grande Headwaters
Honey Mesquite Water Relations and Gas Exchange Following Herbicide-Induced Morphological Change
When and Where Soil is Important to Modify the Carbon and Water Economy of Leaves
Woodland Expansion in Central Oklahoma will Significantly Reduce Streamflows — A Modeling Analysis
Testing a Model for the Predictin of Isolated Water Sites in the Sonoran Desert
Water Quality: A Hidden Danger in Anthropogenic Desert
A Survey of Perceptions and Attitudes about Water Issues in Oklahoma: A Comparative Study