201 Stephenson Parkway, Suite 2100 Norman, OK 73019

Publications on Terrestrial Ecosystems & Wildlife

Climate Controls Prokaryotic Community Composition in Desert Soils of the Southwestern United States

Benchmarking Terrestrial Ecosystem Models in the South Central U.S.

Warmer, Drier Conditions Favor Invasive Grasses Over Functionally Similar Native Species

Woody Plant Encroachment Reduces Annual Runoff and Shifts Runoff

Characteristics of Lesser Prairie-Chicken (Tympanuchus Pallidicinctus) Long-Distance Movements Across Their Distribution

Importance of Forestry Practices Relative to Microhabitat and Microclimate Changes for Juvenile Pond-Breeding Amphibians

Calibration of SWAT Model for Woody Plant Encroachment Using Paired Experimental Watershed Data

Contributions to the Flora of Cimarron County and the Black Mesa Area

Effects of Broadcasting Supplemental Feed into Roadside Vegetation on Home Range and Survival of Female Northern Bobwhite

Nesting Ecology and Nest Survival of Lesser Prairie-Chickens on the Southern High Plains of Texas

Community Response to use of Prescribed Grazing and Tebuthiuron Herbicide for Restoration of Sand Shinnery Oak

Causes of Mortality and Temporal Patterns in Breeding Season Survival of Lesser Prairie-Chickens in Shinnery Oak Prairies

Relationships Between Vegetation Indices and Root Zone Soil Moisture Under Maize and Soybean Canopies in the US Corn Belt: A Comparative Study Using a Close-Range Sensing Approach

Nature Reserves as Catalysts for Landscape Change

Linking Disturbance Regimes, Vegetation Dynamics, and Plant Strategies Across Complex Landscapes to Mitigate and Manage Plant Invasions

Aboveground Plant Community and Seed Bank Composition Along an Invasion Gradient

Physiological and Morphological Attributes of Shortleaf X Loblolly Pine F1 Hybrid Seedlings: Is There an Advantage to Being a Hybrid?

Predicting Plant Responses to Mycorrhizae: Integrating Evolutionary History and Plant Traits

Density-Dependent Ecohydrological Effects of Piñon—Juniper Woody Canopy Cover on Soil Microclimate and Potential Soil Evaporation

Understanding Ecohydrological Connectivity in Savannas: A System Dynamics Modeling Approach

Species’ Traits and Environmental Gradients Interact to Govern Primary Production in Freshwater Mussel Communities

A Methodology to Assess the National and Regional Impacts of Wind Energy Development on Birds and Bats

The Ecological and Economic Determinants of Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus Virginiana) Encroachment in Grassland and Forested Ecosystems: A Case Study from Oklahoma

Biases in the Literature on Direct Wildlife Mortality from Energy Development

Global Distribution of Earthworm Diversity

Fire and Climate Suitability for Woody Vegetation Communities in the South-Central U.S.

Changes and Regulations of Net Ecosystem CO2 Exchange Across Temporal Scales in the Alxa Desert

Acclimation of Leaf Respiration Consistent with Optimal Photosynthetic Capacity

TRY Plant Trait Database: Enhanced Coverage and Open Access

Invasion‐induced root–fungal Disruptions Alter Plant Water and Nitrogen Economies

Prevalence of monarch (Danaus plexippus) and queen (Danaus gilippus) butterflies in West Texas during the fall of 2018

Projected Future Bioclimate-Envelope Suitability for Reptile Amphibian Species of Concern in South Central USA

Limited Data Used to Make Valid Inference about Targeting Sites for Conservation: A Case Study in Urban Amphibian Ecology

BioTIME: A Database of Biodiversity Time Series for the Anthropocene

Relative Importance of Climate Variables to Population Vital Rates: A Quantitative Synthesis for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken

Ranavirus Could Facilitate Local Extinction of Rare Amphibian Species

Are Commonly Used Fitness Predictors Accurate? A Meta-Analysis of Amphibian Size and Age at Metamorphosis

Reduced Daily Temperature Range Influences the Magnitude of Soil Microbial Activity in a Creosotebush Bajada in the Chihuahuan Desert in Big Bend National Park

Preliminary Testing of Flow-Ecology Hypothesis Developed for the GCP LCC Region

The Predicted Influence of Climate Change on Lesser Prairie-Chicken Reproductive Parameters

Activity Patterns of Black-Necked Stilts (Himantopus Mexicanus) During the Non-Bredding Season in the Eastern Caribbean

Conservation and Management of Lesser Prairie Chickens in Sand Shinnery Oak-Grasslands

Fixed Physiological Parameters in the 3-PG Model Produced Accurate Estimates of Loblolly Pine Growth on Sites in Different Geographic Regions

Urban Amphibians of the Texas Panhandle: Baseline Inventory and Habitat Associations in a Drought Year

Herbivore Species and Grazing Intensity Regulate Community Composition and an Encroaching Woody Plant in Semi-Arid Rangeland

Grazing and an Invasive Grass Confound Spatial Pattern of Exotic and Native Grassland Plant Species Richness

Invasive Warm-Season Grasses Reduce Mycorrhizal Root Colonization and Biomass Production of Native Prairie Grasses

Multiple Environmental Stressors Elicit Complex Interactive Effects in the Western Fence Lizard (Sceloporus Occidentalis)

Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Grassland Ecosystems

Effects of Inundation on Growth and Nutrient Allocation of Six Major Macrophytes in the Florida Everglades

Characterizing Ecohydrological and Biogeochemical Connectivity Across Multiple Scales: A New Conceptual Framework

Impacts to Wildlife of Wind Energy Siting and Operation in the United States

Climate Affects Plant-Soil Feedbacks of Native and Invasive Grasses: Negative Feedbacks in Stable but not Variable Environments

Female Greater Prairie-Chicken Response to Energy Development and Rangeland Management

Establishment of Quercus Marilandica Muenchh and Juniperus Virginiana L. in the Tallgrass Prairie of Oklahoma, USA Increases Litter Inputs and soil Organic Carbon

Restoring Sand Shinnery Oak Prairies with Herbicide and Grazing in New Mexico

Plant Diversity and Fertilizer Management Shape the Belowground Microbiome of Native Grass Bioenergy Feedstocks

Acclimation and Adaptation Components of the Temperature Dependence of Plant Photosynthesis at the Global Scale

Global Photosynthetic Capacity is Optimized to the Environment

Using Paleo-Archives to Safeguard Biodiversity Under Climate Change

Honey mesquite leaf water relations and gas exchange following partial top-kill: short and long-term effects

Shifts in plant composition mediate grazing effects on carbon cycling in grasslands

Modeling the Impacts of Climate Change on Species of Concern (birds) in South Central U.S. Based on Bioclimatic Variables

Multi-Scale Responses of Fox Squirrels to Land-Use Changes in Florida: Utilization Mimics Historic Pine Savannas

Effects of Increased Heteropogon Contortus (Tanglehead) on Rangelands: The Tangled Issue of Native Invasive Species

Effects of Timber Harvest on Small Mammal Captures in Experimental Forestry Plots

A PIT Tagging Technique for Ambystomatid Salamanders

Lethal Pathogens of Ectothermic Vertebrates

Seasonal Microbial and Nutrient Responses During a 5-Year Reduction in the Daily Temperature Range of Soil in a Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem

Effects of Daily Soil Temperature Range on Microbial Community Dynamics in a Dryland Cotton Production System in West Texas

A Meta-Analysis of Lesser Prairie-Chicken Nesting and Brood-Rearing Habitats: Implications for Habitat Management

Mosquitoes of North America with Emphasis in the Midwestern United States: Long-Term Occurrence Patterns

Interactive Effects Between Nest Microclimate and Nest Vegetation Structure Confirm Microclimate Thresholds for Lesser Prairie-Chicken Nest Survival

Evaluation of Trapping Techniques on Lesser-Prairie Chicken Trap Injuries and Survival

Experimental Tree Removal in Tallgrass Prairie: Variable Responses of Flora and Fauna Along a Woody Cover Gradient

Spatial Heterogeneity Across Five Rangeland Managed with Pyric-Herbivory

Warming Increases the Sensitivity of Seedling Growth Capacity to Rainfall in Six Temperate Deciduous Tree Species

Comparing Morphological Development and Nutritive Value of Caucasian Old World Bluestem and Native Grasses

Controls on Bud Activation and Tiller Initiation in C₃ and C₄ Tallgrass Prairie Grasses: The Role of Light and Nitrogen

Runoff and Sediment Responses to Grazing Native and Introduced Species on Highly Erodible Southern Great Plains Soil

Long-Term Streamflow Relations with Riparian Gallery Forest Expansion into Tallgrass Prairie in the Southern Great Plains, USA

Sediment Capture by Vegetation Patches: Implications for Desertification and Increased Resource Redistribution

Invasion Promotes Invasion: Facilitation of C3 Perennial Grass Dominance in Mixed C3/C4 Grassland by an Invasive C3 Woody Sprouter

Northern Bobwhite (Colinus Virginianus) Space use Minimally Affected by Oil and Gas Development

Landscape Heterogeneity Influences the Response of Grassland Birds to Energy Development

Thermal Refuge Affects Space Use and Movement of a Large-Bodied Galliform

Projections of Future Suitable Bioclimatic Conditions of Parthenogenetic Whiptails

Short-Term Thermal Acclimation of Dark Respiration is Greater in Non-Photosynthetic than in Photosynthetic Tissues

Pyrogenic Carbon Increases Pitch Pine Seedling Growth, Soil Moisture Retention and Photosynthetic Intrinsic Water Use Efficiency in the Field

Plant-Soil Feedbacks Facilitate Grassland Species Coexistence at the Community Level

A reporting format for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata

Limiting reduces soil phosphorus availability but promotes yield and P uptake in a double rice cropping system

Time lags: Insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network