201 Stephenson Parkway, Suite 2100 Norman, OK 73019

How To – Creating Vulnerability Assessments

Join the South Central and Southwest CASCs for a webinar series for Tribal Environmental and Natural Resource Professionals Held on the first Tuesday of each month, at 1 pm Central/11 am Pacific, through August. https://bit.ly/TribalWebinars May's Tribal Climate Resilience Webinar will discuss creating vulnerability assessments by identifying what is vulnerable […]

How To – Creating Climate Adaptation Plans

Join the South Central and Southwest CASCs for a webinar series for Tribal Environmental and Natural Resource Professionals Held on the first Tuesday of each month, at 1 pm Central/11 am Pacific, through August. https://bit.ly/TribalWebinars June's Tribal Climate Resilience Webinar will discuss how to create climate adaptation plans that are […]

BUDM Webinar Series “Evaluating the factors affecting dredge placement project success: A national systematic review”

Please join us for the Beneficial Use of Dredged Materials: Insights Across Coasts webinar series. The series aims to highlight lessons learned from restoration practitioners and facilitate discussion on BUDM science needs. This series presents lessons learned in BUDM practice and showcases a variety of perspectives, with speakers coming from […]

Climate Resilience Funding

Join the South Central and Southwest CASCs for a webinar series for Tribal Environmental and Natural Resource Professionals Held on the first Tuesday of each month, at 1 pm Central/11 am Pacific, through August. https://bit.ly/TribalWebinars July's Tribal Climate Resilience Webinar will give an overview and best practices in applying for […]

Tribal Climate Resilience Success Stories

Join the South Central and Southwest CASCs for a webinar series for Tribal Environmental and Natural Resource Professionals Held on the first Tuesday of each month, at 1 pm Central/11 am Pacific, through August. https://bit.ly/TribalWebinars August's Tribal Climate Resilience Webinar will discuss Tribal Climate Resilience Success stories by sharing what […]

BUDM Webinar Series “Low-stress Sediment Experiments to Field-Scale Properties and Applicability to Beneficial Use Efforts”

Please join us for the Beneficial Use of Dredged Materials: Insights Across Coasts webinar series. The series aims to highlight lessons learned from restoration practitioners and facilitate discussion on BUDM science needs. This series presents lessons learned in BUDM practice and showcases a variety of perspectives, with speakers coming from […]