201 Stephenson Parkway, Suite 2100 Norman, OK 73019

Webinars & Workshops

For upcoming Webinar and Workshop announcements, see the Events page.

The Climate 101 workshops cover a variety of topics including the basics of how the climate system works, interpretation of different climate projections and resources for decision makers and climate adaptation planning. Attendees are given a chance to participate in an optional, interactive training session that focuses on making adaptation decisions based on climate projections for a given area.

Check out materials & presentations from previous Climate 101 Workshops. Climate 101 Workshops Archive.

Southern Plains Climate Science Seminar & Other Webinar Archives

View our previously recorded Southern Plains Climate Science Seminar webinars here.


November 4, 2024 – FY24 Lightning Talks – Kathryn Powlen, USGS OK/TX Water Science Center, Hamed Gholizadeh, Oklahoma State University, and Jeremy Ross, University of Oklahoma


March 30, 2023 – Prescribed Fire Networks in Oklahoma and North Carolina – by Dr. Aaron Russell, South Central Climate Adaptation Science Center Postdoctoral Fellow

August 1, 2023 – Time to Restore: Connecting People, Plants, and Pollinators – by Erin Posthumus, Outreach Coordinator for the USA National Phenology Network, and Jane Breckinridge, Director of the Tribal Alliance for Pollinators

November 30, 2023 – Resilient Coastal Shellfish Populations– by Dr. Megan La Peyre, USGS Cooperative Research Units, and Dr. Romain Lavaud, Louisiana State University


April 21, 2022 – A Changing Rio Grande Watershed: Two Modeling Perspectives by Dr. C. David Moeser, U.S. Geological Survey New Mexico Water Science Center

November 17, 2022 – Understanding Impacts of Sea-Level Rise and Land Management on Critical Coastal Marsh Habitat by Dr. Camille L. Stagg USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center.


January 29, 2021A Warming Arctic: How Climate Change is Impacting Future Winter Weather Events by Dr. Jason C. Furtado, University of Oklahoma.

October 28, 2021 – The Underwater Forest: A Time Capsule from the Last Ice Age by Dr. Kristine DeLong, Louisiana State University.

April 22, 2021 – Hailstorms, Flooding & Tornadoes, Oh My! How Climate Change is Impacting Severe Weather Events. A panel discussion with Debi Wagner, and Drs. Cait Rottler and Harold Brooks.


January 29, 2020Towards Sustainable Water Management: Identifying Conservation Priorities, Data Needs and Barriers to Implementing Environmental Flows in the Red River Basin by Sean Wineland, University of Oklahoma.

June 17, 2020 Integrating Climate Change into State and Federal Resource Management by Dr. Megan Friggens, U.S. Forest Services.

October 1, 2020 – Drought & Lessons Learned in Rio Grande/Bravo Basin by Dr. Jack Friedman, University of Oklahoma.

February 12, 2020New Insights into the Complex Drivers of Hydrometeorological and Hydroclimatological Extremes in the Great Plains of the United States by Dr. Jeff Basara, University of Oklahoma.

August 12, 2020 Hurricanes and Storm Surge in a Changing Climate and Other SCIPP Projects by Dr. Barry Keim, Louisiana State University.

October 27, 2020 – Arizona & New Mexico Monsoon Recap and Winter Drought Outlook by the Southwest & South Central CASCs, NIDIS, NOAA & USGS.

April 22, 2020Future Projections of Climate Change for the South Central United States by Dr. Renee McPherson, University of Oklahoma.

September 8, 2020 Improving Predictions of Water Supply in the Rio Grande Headquarters by Dr. David Gutzler, University of New Mexico.